The Word Of Knowledge

The Word Of Knowledge Part 1

The Word Of Knowledge operates in this way; it reveals facts and information specific to a person, whether spiritual or practical. It gives you an awareness of familiarity with that person or environment. It also imparts skills and abilities to work with that person or nature itself. Finally, it will also impart skills and abilities to operate whatever is in that environment, such as machinery that you must use to complete the will of God. Also, In this podcast, I call it segment 1. As we advance, I will designate the podcasts part 1, part 2, etc

The Word Of Knowledge Part 2

Knowledge – operates by imparting the skills you need and will use to perform any of the other gifts you may need to accomplish your work. With Abilities you may need to complete the work. Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship Also, In this podcast, I call it segment 3. As we advance, I will designate the podcasts part 1, part 2, etc.